Friday 2 May 2014

Cheese Cupcake by Jara Petit

"Is it cheesecake? But why does it look like cupcake?"

My husband was asking these questions when he saw these cutesy desserts.

So let me introduce you to Jara Petit! :)

Backtrack a little bit:
I passed this store couple days back and their pretty display caught my attention. However, I was in a rush to my campus, so I just try to remembering its name and planned to "google" it latter (so typically me).
I found that it was already around quite some times and they just opened their store at Dhoby Ghaut MRT exchange. Moreover, Jara Petit established by two young entrepreneurs. I do admire people who start their entrepreneurship journey from a very young age. There were lots of people who post these cute desserts on their Instagram and it makes me want to try it even more. (YES, TALK ABOUT THE POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA!)

Ok, back to the story:
It was unplanned visit actually, because yesterday me and my husband were just strolling along Orchard to Dhoby Gaut aimlessly. When we wanted to take the MRT, I suddenly remember about this store and asked my husband to go there. First he was reluctant since it was already 9 pm and thought that all stores already closed. Apparently the store still open and we were greeted by 2 friendly staffs there. There were not many variety left at that time, so we chose the classic, matcha and cookies n cream flavors. The price for single cheese cup is 3.3 sgd and for box of 3 is 9.5 sgd.

So here is our review based on their 4s marketing mix:

We bought three flavors of their cheese cupcakes. So these are our reviews respectively:
Classic cheese cupcake: The cake is so moist yet dense, you definitely able to taste the cheese but it's not overpowering. They use caramel biscuit as base and it blends perfectly with the cheese. This is my most favorite among the three. 8.5 out of 10.
However, my husband thinks that the taste is just OK though, so he gives 7.5 out of 10.
Matcha cheese cupcake: The texture is similar with the classic one. But the scent of green tea is too strong and kinda weird in my opinion. In fact, it's more like "leafy" scent, unlike the usual green tea scent. Perhaps they use different kind of green tea?
I actually like anything in green tea, but this one tasted a little bit artificial hence it is my least favorite. My husband agree on this one and we both give 6 out of 10.
Cookies and cream cheese cupcake: This is my husband's favorite. Basically he loves Oreo, that is why he likes this one a lot and give it 9 out of 10. On the other hand, I do hope that they blend the cheesecake with Oreo, so it doesn't look like they just put classic cheesecake with Oreo base and topping. Because when I set the Oreo apart, the filling tasted exactly the same with the classic one. Nevertheless, I give 8 out of 10.

I believe the price is pretty decent in the market. 9.5 sgd for 3 cheese cupcakes with interesting varieties, no complain here. 8 out of 10.

A small store with a display of their cheese cupcakes products. They offered whether we want to have the cakes inside or take away, but I didn't see the table nor chair inside their place. There are lots of chairs and tables outside although I believe it belongs to another restaurant? So we chose the take away option. 6 out of 10.

It was already 9 pm and rest of the stores already closed. But they were still greeted us nicely and gave brief explanation about their products. Definitely good people and good service! I hope they always keep it up. 9 out of 10.

All in all, I would say it is definitely worth to try if you are a food lover and wish to try different variety of cheesecake. They have another flavor such as durian, lavender etc. Will give it a try if we happen to pass the store again :)

Jara Petit Singapore
11 Orchard Rd #B1-35 Dhoby Xchange

Thank you for reading :)
Take care and till my next post!

Friday 21 March 2014

How We Found Out About Gymmboxx Singapore

When it comes down to exercise, I believe I will be the laziest person on earth.
I am not athletic. I dislike the feeling out-of-breath every time I try to run...oh well, I should say walk in fast pace instead of run, because I definitely can't run.
Therefore, it is safely to say that I HATE EXERCISE. Full stop.

....till I married with someone who loves doing exercise and such a gym addict (OMG!) 

That would be me!
And apparently, married with someone like this :
Gym addict/sports lover/my dear husband.
(both pic taken from here)

This husband of mine, since day 1 of our marriage life, always force me to hit the gym and somehow I always have 1001 reasons to avoid it. Plus I was slim anyway *ahem* so who need to work out? Or so I thought.

*But please, I was so slim for the past 26 years of my life and didn't even bother to do exercise! (self-defense)

It was me before the "EXTRA WEIGHT". I was even skinnier than my husband without doing exercise whatsoever! Oh..those good old days...

Until........I gained extra weight and it was A LOT for the past few years (please don't ask me why) :'(

And slowly but sure, with never ending forces from my husband also self realization of how unhealthy I was (I was feeling breathless just by walking in a normal pace geez!!), I started to go to the gym with him.

We even signed a year membership at California Fitness Singapore. Well, actually he signed up first and asked me to join him latter. Now I found out that it was such a waste of money for us since we didn't fully utilize our membership. I do believe that it might works for some people, especially those who were consistent in doing exercise, but definitely not for us. We were unable to come everyday, or even minimum once a week. My husband was unable to come very often since he was too busy at office. Me? I just follow my husband..ACT busy lol

Yes...there's definitely a thin line between TOO BUSY OR TOO LAZY.
(Photo taken from here)

Learning from our own experience, we begin to search a decent gym with reasonable entry fee for us where we just need to pay every time we want to go. Fuss free and surely no regret feeling for our wallet (which is the most important issue here). That's when we found out about Gymmboxx.

Apparently, several community centers in Singapore provide gym services with premium fitness equipment. The entry fee is really reasonable, 6 sgd per person for 2 hours usage. Hence, it is definitely a perfect place for us! At least for this moment. 
Initially, we did not expect the place to be as good as our previous gym. For us, as long as it's located near our place and fit our budget : WHY NOT? (Said my gym freak husband).

But to our surprise, the place is actually quite good. It is clean and spacious so you won't feel suffocated with many people who walk around here and there (you will know if you go to the gym). Moreover, it is fully air-con and they provide wide variety of fitness equipment. Last but not least, I must say they have an excellent customer service (which is important for me) and NO HARD SELL at all. I know many people in Singapore will say YAY for this part!
The minus part is they don't provide you with towel and there is sauna room there. But it's not really a problem, we can bring our own towel from home. More hygienic.

These are some pictures of Gymmboxx for your reference:
Pictures from their website 

Oh, they also has Protein Cafe which is located outside the gym. I haven't try the food menu so I couldn't tell much about the food but I tried their cookies and cream protein milk and oh boy, it tasted heavenly! 

Seriously, I never pay attention about protein milk before although my husband always buy it (and he always buy the BIG JAR). But after I tried, I am hooked! From now on, I will definitely buy this healthy drink whenever I hit the gym (bye-bye my fave bubble tea).
It's just adding another good (and yummy) reason for me to do exercise. 
So cheers to my gym journey! Hopefully I am able to develop a healthy habit and shed those extra fats SOON!


My personal rating to Gymmboxx Singapore:
Place: Clean, bright and spacious. I believe it already conclude all. They always play great music too, pump our spirit! 8.5 out of 10
Price: 6 sgd per 2 hours usage. For us, it is a good price since we don't come everyday. But for those of you who prefer daily visit, might consider the monthly membership. Worth the value. 9 out of 10
Service: Excellent! The customer service never failed to smile every time they greet us. On our first visit, we asked quite a lot of questions (typical first-timer), but they were really attentive so I really appreciate it! The most important thing, they DO NOT HARD SELL! YAY! Oh, I forgot to mention that they also have personal trainer for those who serious about goals in fitness. 10 out of 10
Product/fitness equipment: Wide variety of fitness equipment there, in fact I think quite the same with my previous gym. They don't provide towel so you have to bring your own. Furthermore, there is no shower room and sauna. 
8 out of 10

Gymmboxx Singapore
Gymm Boxx @ Bedok Reservoir
Address: Block 714A, Bedok Reservoir Rd, #03-01 Singapore (471714)
Buses to the Gym - 5, 21, 22, 59, 65, 66, 228, 506 and CT18
Nearest MRT - Bedok

Gymm Boxx @ Punggol Community Club
Address: 3, Hougang Ave 6, Punggol CC, Singapore, Singapore (538808)
Buses to the Gym - 27, 62, 113, 161, 80, 82, 87, 89, 89E and 325
Nearest MRT - Hougang MRT

Gymm Boxx @ Kampong Ubi Communuty Centre
Address: 10, Jalan Ubi, Kampong Ubi CC, Singapore (409075)
Buses to the gym - 2, 7, 13, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30, 30E, 51, 60, 61, 63, 63M, 67, 93, 94 and 155
Nearest MRT - Eunos MRT

Gymm Boxx @ Bishan Community Centre
Address: 51 Bishan St 13, Singapore (579799)
Buses to the gym - 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 55A, 56, 57, 58, 59 and 410
Nearest MRT - Bishan

Hotline: +65 8499 4897 (Gym matters, Personal training inquiries, etc)

Thank you for reading!
Take care and till my next post :)

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Birthday Brunch at Au Chocolat Marina Bay Sands

There will come a point in your life where you won't be looking forward for your birthday, and it happened to me this year.

Kinda self-denied of my age haha hence I just ignore the fact that I'm getting a year older and planned just to stay at home all day (yeah so boring I know)

I am. I am. I am. (self talk to the mirror)
Pic taken from

However, my husband decided to take me for a brunch and I just have to say yes cause I do looooove brunch so so much (plus his initiative of course). In fact, brunch is my most fave meal of the day.
So we went to Marina Bay Sands (MBS), and after wandered to several places there we finally decided to give Au Chocolat a shot.

The place looked really nice from outside and I was intrigue by the name..I mean chocolate is my favorite so what could possibly go wrong?
Moreover, there were some people queuing for seats so as people who already live in Singapore for quite some times, we know that if there are queues : it means the food is good! :D

I took this nice photo from Au Chocolat Facebook since we were too busy to eat and forgot to take pictures of surrounding

I did quick search for a review about the menu (which I normally do before I pick the menu), and according to some bloggers, the truffle fries was the best! So, I ordered it and my husband of course chose Au Chocolat King Breakfast for himself (he has a really big appetite like a KING, yet still look skinny. I jelly! )

This is our food, really look scrumptious right?
Au Chocolat King Breakfast and Mango Magic for my husband. Truffle Fries and chamomile tea for me (I was having bad cough that day therefore I couldn't explore the drink selection)
Ps. Please mind my husband's hand, though we brought a camera, we barely took good photos there since we were too famished at that time!

The taste of truffle fries indeed really good! I haven't try many truffle fries before so I can't compare but this one is a must try if you happen to visit this restaurant. The portion is also quite big for sharing.
However, I wouldn't praise the King Breakfast. It was just mediocre menu and the taste was just OK. I tried better brunch platter before at Food For Thought (the review about this is coming soon, stay tune!) and this one was not living up to my expectations.
What I like more about this place, beside its stunning interior, is the service that they provided. The waiters were really nice and attentive. I encountered few rude waiters before at another places, so big thumbs up for Au Chocolat!

My personal rating for Au Chocolat :
Food : 9 for truffle fries and 6.5 for Au Choholat King Breakfast (out of 10). The mango magic was an unique blend of white chocolate and mango and it tasted nice according to my husband so he gave 8 out of 10. Chamomile tea was just like another normal chamomile tea so I shall not give any rate for that :)
Service : 9.5 out of 10 (If only the waiter give us sofa seat, I will give 10 hehe. Couldn't complain though, many people queue for seats!)
Place : 9 out of 10, posh interior but doesn't make you feel awkward (if you know what I mean....)
Price : 6 out of 10 (quiet pricy but it's at Marina Bay Sands so what do you expect?)
Overall, it was a great brunch date with my husband and I would love to come there again just for the truffle fries!

Bay Level L1-03, The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands
Singapore 0187972

Next, we went outside to take some pictures and apparently there was some kind of market called "Pasar Bella" just outside MBS. Too bad that we've had brunch before cause the food selection were really good. Thus, as greedy as we are, we just couldn't eat anymore cause our tummy was too full!
They also have live acoustic music. It is actually a great place to spend your sunny day outdoor with marina bay view and good music. Prolly will try to go there this weekend and give some review, OK husband? :D

Glimpse of Pasar Bella. Was little bit raining on that day, therefore the picture took from inside

Me in front of live acoustic band. Happy tummy after warm and hearty brunch!

Ok I guess this is quite mouthful for my first entry. I hope you guys stay tune for my next review. Thank you and take care!
Till my next post...